All articles featured on this site are included to stimulate your thinking, challenge your faith and encourage your Christian growth. And as with everything on this web-site, we invite you to test everything you read here first with the Word of God.
What is the Sign of the Son of Man written about in Matt.24:30?
Jesus said the one sign we are to look for to know He is coming is the, 'Sign of the Son of Man,' (Matt.24:30). But what is this sign we are supposed to be waiting for going to look like?
Alex Tinson | Updated: 27/07/2010
Are we supposed to learn to love ourselves?
One of the new teachings being introduced to the church today is the focus on learning to love and accept ourselves. Is this what Jesus meant when He said,
Alex Tinson | Updated: 27/07/2010
What is the Spirit saying to the church today?
Do we have ears that can hear what the Spirit is saying?
Alex Tinson | Updated: 24/07/2010
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New Book
Leaving Egypt Behind
God's hidden plan for our salvation journey

"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written down for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come," I Corinthians 10:11
What is the Spirit saying to the church today?
The Fear of the Lord
The Bema Judgement Seat of Christ
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory.
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