Oxted Christian Fellowship
As a fellowship we met together for 9 years, between 2011-2019, trying to 'do' church in a way and form that was similar to that seen in the early church model. Here are some of the recordings from those meetings.
November 2015
Jesus teaching on prayer. Matthew 6 verses 5 - 15. Looking at instructions Jesus gave as to how we are to pray.
October 2015
Colossians Pt.18. Chapter 4 verses 5 - 18. How should we labour in prayer and what should we be praying for. Are we supposed to be perfected in our Christian walk and what does it mean to be fully assured in all the will of God? What if we're only sometimes assured in the will of God? Is that good enough? How a person can obtain the blessed assurance spoken of in scripture.
September 2015
Ian Squire head of Mission 4 Vision preaching from I John 2 and 3, focusing on end time events, the rapture, the Antichrist and how to be ready for Christ's coming.
July 2015
Colossians Pt.17, chapter 4 verses 1-4. Specifically looking at the whole area of prayer and the idea of being 'alert' in prayer. What does that mean? How should we pray? What should we watch for?
June 2015
Part 16. Colossians 3:18-25. Lots of practical Biblical advice for healthy relationships in a marriage and family. Also how we should approach work and business, and why the Bible talks about rewards or consequences with regard to the way we choose to work in this life.
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Audio Categories
New Book
The Gospel of the Kingdom
"This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come," Matthew 24:14
What is the Spirit saying to the church today?
The Fear of the Lord
What will happen at the Judgement Seat of Christ?
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory.
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