Spiritual Gifts
The Holy Spirit has distributed gifts throughout His body to each one of us, yet how many of us know what these giftings really are? Personally, I have come to the conclusion, that much of what is commonly taught about spiritual gifts today is not actually Biblically accurate. But it is rarely challenged because it has become the accepted norm for many people today. These messages came from my own desire to clarify exactly what the Bible taught on the subject.
The Word of Wisdom
Does anybody really know what the Word of Wisdom actually is? I believe the Word of God explains itself and clearly shows us what this gift is all about.
The Word of Knowledge
Most people today assume the Word of Knowledge is receiving some secret knowledge from God about someone or something. Something that is more akin to clairvoyance than a spiritual gift from God. There is no verse in the Bible that makes this connection, and the verses which do refer to the Word of Knowledge seem to be referring to a more general knowledge which is called the true knowledge of God. Something that is spiritual in nature, and given by revelation of the Holy Spirit. The true knowledge of God Himself, which the natural man cannot know or understand.
The Word of Knowledge and the Gift of Faith
A detailed look at these two vitally important giftings of the Holy Spirit.
Gifts of Healings, Workings of Miracles and Distinguishing of Spirits
Understand the power gifts of God and what the distinguishing of spirits gifting really does.
Ministry Giftings
There are many of these giftings listed in scripture, not only the 5-fold popular ones from Ephesians chapter 4. This is a comprehensive overview looking at them all.
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Leaving Egypt Behind
God's hidden plan for our salvation journey

"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written down for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come," I Corinthians 10:11
What is the Spirit saying to the church today?
The Fear of the Lord
The Bema Judgement Seat of Christ
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory.
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