Uganda Pastor's Conference 2024-Eternal Judgement
Conferences looking at the Bema Judgement Seat and the Great White Throne Judgement. What will happen at each, and what we can expect on our day in the heavenly courtroom. Recorded at Called to Serve Church in Kitgum, Pentecostal Church Padibe, and Calvary Chapel, Pajule in Northern Uganda.
Eternal Judgement Part 1-A Sure Foundation
The eternal judgement as one of the six foundational truths of the Christian faith. How important it is to have a correct foundation laid in this area. Starting to look at the Great White Throne judgement. Recorded at the Pentecostal Church of Uganda, Padibe, Northern Uganda.
Eternal Judgement Part 2-Great White Throne Judgement
A look at Hades and Sheol, the waiting places for lost souls, and Abraham's bosom, the waiting place for those who die faithful in Christ. Also the Great White Throne judgement, and what will happen there. Recorded at the Pentecostal Church of Uganda, Padibe, Northern Uganda.
Eternal Judgement Part 3-Tested by Fire
The Throne of David will be the Bema Judgement Seat of Christ at His return. A look at when Jesus will receive that throne, and how the Bema judgement of God's people will unfold. When our deeds will be tested by fire. Recorded at the Pentecostal Church of Uganda, Padibe, Northern Uganda.
Eternal Judgement Part 4-Judgement Begins at the Household of God
Judgement always begins first at the household of God. Our God will show Himself holy through those who seek to draw near to Him. That will either be the greatest day of our lives if we have prepared ourselves for it. Or the worst if we have not. Recorded at Calvary Chapel, Pajule, Northern Uganda.
Eternal Judgement Part 5-Parable of the Wedding Feast
A look at the Bema seat judgement as viewed through the parable of the Wedding Feast. Recorded at Calvary Chapel Pajule, Northern Uganda.
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New Book
Leaving Egypt Behind
God's hidden plan for our salvation journey

"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written down for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come," I Corinthians 10:11
What is the Spirit saying to the church today?
The Fear of the Lord
The Bema Judgement Seat of Christ
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory.
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