Midrash on the Feeding of the Multitudes
When Jesus spoke about His miracles in feeding the 5,000 and feeding the 4,000 He indicated there was a special spiritual significance in what He had done (Mark.8: 17 - 21). He said the disciples had hard hearts, were dull and had little faith because they did not understand these things. Could the same be said of us today? These 10 sermons are my spiritual interpretation of the feeding of the multitudes I believe God gave me over a number of years of studying in this area. I am convinced there is a spiritual message that undergirds these historic accounts that brings great illumination to the gospel, the person of Jesus, what He came to do and what He will do in the future. So, I place the recordings here so that you can examine the Word of God yourself, and see if the Spirit witnesses the same to your spirit?
Part 1 - Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
An introduction into Biblical interpretation, looking at the plain, clear and contextual meaning of the text. And then a look at the hidden spiritual meaning as well, speaking of typology, verbal echoes and rhythms of repetition found in scripture.
Part 2 - Midrash of the Feeding of the 5,000
An introduction into the feeding of the 5,000, the portrayal of Jesus as the Prophet like Moses and why the Passover is linked to this miracle.
Part 3 - Midrash of the Feeding of the 5,000
What the 5 loaves represent, why Jesus never publically and obviously identified Himself as the Messiah, what the 2 fish represent and why the multitude were told to recline in the grass before receiving this miracle.
Part 4 - Midrash of the Feeding of the 5,000
Why 5,000 were fed in the wilderness, why the disciples distributed the bread and why every leftover scrap of bread had to be gathered up so that nothing would be lost.
Part 5 - Midrash of the Feeding of the 5,000 and the Syrophoenician Woman
What the 12 baskets represent, who is a true Jew, how we should view Israel, what the Table of Shewbread represents and the significance of Jesus's meeting with the Syrophoenician woman.
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"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written down for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come," I Corinthians 10:11
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